Posts tagged ‘clean’

January 28, 2011

WOD #186 and WOD #187: Holbrook and 30 Cleans

WOD #1:
“Holbrook” Pack-ish (Just less weight)
Seven rounds, each for time of:
65# Thruster, 5 reps
10 Pull-ups
100 meter Sprint
Rest 1 minute

WOD #2:
30 65# cleans, for time

BUY-IN:  3×10 CFWU (supermans for back ext, no PUs)

WOD #1:
:57, 1:00, 1:06: 1:06, 1:04, 1:14, 1:10
All sets unbroken

WOD #2:
broken 15-5-5-5

Really happy with my workouts today.  I was sick on Wednesday (truly nasty cough that kept me in bed and out of work), so it was nice to get back to a metcon such as this.  I tried doing true pack weight but 80# is too heavy for me to do without compromising on form, so I opted for a little lighter.  I may have lost a bit of time on some rounds waiting for my buddy to finish up pull-ups, but I’ll stand by my 1:14 as my slowest.  As a cool down, I worked on a few cleans to get the form right (from deadlift to front-squat positions), but then decided, what the hey, why not do another quick WOD for time?  Next time, I’m increasing the weight.  Or, I’ll try Grace with 65#.


September 3, 2010

WOD #120: Linda

“Linda” pack scale (about 60% of Rx’d)
BW = 160#
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 155#  (0.97xBW)
Bench press: 95# (0.59xBW)
Clean: 75# (0.47xBW)

BUY-IN:  stretching + one round of 10 reps at 45#

WOD:  15:34
all sets unbroken

CASH-OUT:  putting away all the weights with 5×13 burpees mixed in

I scaled back the weight and it worked out very well.  My biggest worry was the bench press but that went without a hitch (PR=125# but haven’t checked lately). The good thing about this WOD is that after 3 rounds, you’re already halfway done with the reps!  I was by myself today for the WOD (buddy is out sick) and I stayed at work late, so the school fitness room was just for me and my bars of death!  I will definitely want to do this again but at 70-75% of Rx’d.



August 11, 2010

WOD #109: Adam Brown

Adam Brown Hero WOD
Two rounds for time of:
135# Deadlift, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24” box
24 Wallball shots, 15# ball
95# Bench press, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24” box
24 Wallball shots, 15# ball
65# Clean, 24 reps

BUY-IN:  2 rounds of WOD, but with a 6# med ball, 45# bar and 18” box, 10 reps only

WOD:  25:10
rd1 10:25, rd2 14:45

CASH-OUT:  slowly putting away all the weights, boxes and med balls!

This was not easy.  Even the warm-up, not timed, was not easy.  Only box jumps and cleans were unbroken throughout (I could have gone heavier on cleans).  Wallballs, I broke up 12-8-4 for most rounds except first and last (12-12).  Went to failure, by accident, on the last set of benchpress, and needed my WOD buddy to pull the bar off my stomach!  Overall though, this was a thorough, total body workout.

Our new CF disciple also did very well, posting a total time of 25:48, pack-ish scale with 95# DL and 13# wall-balls.  He smoked through the bench press but struggled with the wall-balls.

January 27, 2010

WOD #13: Clean/Bench Press/OH Squat (1 rep each)

WOD from Tuesday 100126

Clean, 1 rep
Bench press, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep

BUY-IN:  3X15 CFWU (used gravitron 80# for pullups)

Clean:  105
Bench:  125
OHS:  45
Total:  275

CASH-OUT:  I was hoping for 60min of squash, but opponent bailed, so I walked a few km with my 15#-daughter Isa in the Baby Björn!  cheese

My buddy and I didn’t watch the video on the OHS beforehand, so when we were practicing with a 45# bar, it wasn’t pleasant (because we were probably doing it incorrectly), so we opted for regular squats this time around.  My max was 255#, so I was very happy with that.

My numbers aren’t great for the total, but once I practice the clean and the OHS, I think I’ll do better, especially on the OHS.

For the Top Dawgs out there, should we start the OHS from the ground or, as beginners, start with the bar on a rack, like in the “Overhead Squatting Safely” video on XF?  I’m also not the most flexible guy, and when I was practicing with the 45# bar (yes, I know, should have started with the broomstick first), I found that it was very difficult keeping my balance with my arms stretched up and squatting.  Any suggestions on improving balance and flexibility in these exercises?

Thanks in advance!

ANSWER FROM TexasPatrick from CrossFit Brand X

For heavy ohs, it’s almost always a rack start. The other way is to snatch it up, but yeah . . .

Here’s how to improve overhead squat:

1) get your plain squat sorted.
2) then as a warmup practice broomstick/pvc ohs.
3) watch some videos of ohs and note where the bar is in relation to their shoulders, feet, head.  Watch each other and make sure you mimic that best you can.
4) I found the wall squat (face the wall pretty close, then do your ohs) helps with the pvc ohs because you can’t see sometimes how you’re wobbling around.  That helps you focus on the “down/up” of the ohs.
This is one of those areas where pvc practice pays off pretty well.