Archive for February, 2011

February 27, 2011

WOD #203: Row, Dumbbell snatch

From BrandX.

Pack weight, Big Dawg reps:

For time:
Row 1K
25 pound Dumbbell snatch, 50 reps
Row 750m
25 pound Dumbbell snatch, 35 reps
Row 500m
25 pound Dumbbell snatch, 20 reps
These are one-arm squat snatches, alternating arms.

BUY-IN: 10 broomstick back squats
100 single-unders

WOD: 16:56, PR compared to last time:  16:51 with less weight (15#-20#-25#) and less reps (35-25-15)!

CASH-OUT:  10 broomstick back squats
100 single-unders

So pleased about this!  Was thinking about going with 30 but I didn’t want to push my luck.  This was perfect scaling.  Next time, I’ll do 30#.  And I lifted SOOO much more weight (over 1200 pounds) compared to last time ( 105×25 = 2625 compared to 35×15+25×20+15×25= 1400) in a mere 5 extra seconds.

February 26, 2011

All Hero WODs


February 23, 2011

WOD #201 and #202: Deadlifts 3-3-3-3-3 and Bear Crawl and Single-Unders

WOD #1:
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

WOD #2, for time:
100 yards bear crawl
1000 single-unders

BUY-IN: 3×5 CFWU + 3×10 45# DLs

WOD #1: 225-247-275-275-275
The last rep of the last three sets, I had to do with the reverse-grip on one hand.

WOD #2: 10:46

First time I did this was waaay back in January 19, 2010, and I just did it for form at 70# all the way. What an improvement. My 1RM for DLs is 305#, so I felt good about today’s lift. The second WOD was one that a fellow on the BrandX mentioned one time, prinze79, except his WOD was 300 yards bear crawl and 3000 SUs (it took him 43 minutes). I think I may have done an extra 100, but I’m not sure.  Only way to find out is to do it again, I guess and try to get under 10 minutes.

February 21, 2011

WOD #200: Mary

My 200th WOD, officially since starting back on January 4, 2010!

Pack with Big Dawg time:
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
3 Handstand Push-ups, front against the wall
6 Assisted One legged squats, alternating (sitting on 18″ box)
9 Pull-ups

5 min jump rope
5 min jog
3×10 sit-ups + back extensions

WOD:  10 rounds + 3 HSPUs + 6 pistols progressions + 1 PU

CASH-OUT:  Handstand practice and 25 burpees

Whew, this was difficult.  I mulled over doing the 5-10-15 but didn’t want to go to failure on the HSPUs, a major weakness of mine.  I’m happy with what I did though, 33 HSPUs, 66 pistols progressions and 91 PUs.  Besides, I still have a blister on my hand that I want to heal, so doing less PUs meant less aggravation.  My WOD buddy went for the 5-10-15 and was able to get 7 rounds in, so comparable numbers in total (35-70-105).

February 19, 2011

WOD #199: Annie


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:

BUY-IN:  none

WOD:  8:15, as Rx’d

CASH-OUT:  none

Wanted to do this when posted but had no time on Thursday.  DUs were broken up 3 times in rounds 1 and 2, too many times in round 3, once round 4 and unbroken round 5.  Could definitely get this under 8 with better control of DUs after the sit-ups.