WOD #186 and WOD #187: Holbrook and 30 Cleans

WOD #1:
“Holbrook” Pack-ish (Just less weight)
Seven rounds, each for time of:
65# Thruster, 5 reps
10 Pull-ups
100 meter Sprint
Rest 1 minute

WOD #2:
30 65# cleans, for time

BUY-IN:  3×10 CFWU (supermans for back ext, no PUs)

WOD #1:
:57, 1:00, 1:06: 1:06, 1:04, 1:14, 1:10
All sets unbroken

WOD #2:
broken 15-5-5-5

Really happy with my workouts today.  I was sick on Wednesday (truly nasty cough that kept me in bed and out of work), so it was nice to get back to a metcon such as this.  I tried doing true pack weight but 80# is too heavy for me to do without compromising on form, so I opted for a little lighter.  I may have lost a bit of time on some rounds waiting for my buddy to finish up pull-ups, but I’ll stand by my 1:14 as my slowest.  As a cool down, I worked on a few cleans to get the form right (from deadlift to front-squat positions), but then decided, what the hey, why not do another quick WOD for time?  Next time, I’m increasing the weight.  Or, I’ll try Grace with 65#.


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